Sunday, April 15, 2018

Day 82 Finally! A Sea Day!

Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other gold. ~ Girl Scout Song

April 14th (Day 82) was a most welcome sea day. We slept in, went down to the Club Restaurant for a leisurely breakfast and frittered away the morning until it was time for choir practice. David was kind enough to let us out a few minutes early because we had our Cruise Critic luncheon at 12:30. (If you've never popped over to Cruise Critic, it's not a bunch of people griping about their cruises. It's more of a sharing site for people who love this mode of travel and are anxious to exchange info with like-minded folk.)

Oscar pulled out all the stops for this lovely lunch, but the real treat was being able to eat it with Marilyn and Mark.

This fascinating couple flew all the way from Israel to join us in LA for the World Cruise. They have been heavily involved with the Peace Corps and are so lively and intelligent. Mark has been a regular at the on-board Bible study and they both sing with us in the Harmony Choir, she in the alto section and he with the basses. Wonderful to visit with. It’s really true. One of the best things about this kind of travel are the people you meet.

Marilyn spoke so matter of factly about them having gas masks in their home in Israel and all the supplies necessary to seal it up if their neighborhood was targeted by a chemical attack.

I shuddered a little inside at this, but then I reminded myself that every region has its own inherent risks. Our friends Kristy and David live in earthquake prone California. My critique partner suffers through Nor’easters in New Hampshire. And we’ve been known to have devastating tornados in Missouri.

But not because Arkansas has lobbed one at us over the state line.   

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