Thursday, January 24, 2019

Couch Potato?

"I'd rather have an adventure than a new couch!"
~ Me (Ha! Bet you thought I was going to quote someone famous!)

It's been a little over a year since the day I first set foot on the Pacific Princess for the start of our Round the World Cruise. In the past 12 months, life has rocketed by us. We've had sorrows--our beloved church and community choir director died unexpectedly last summer and we feel his loss keenly. We've had health scares--the DH spent some time in the hospital for an emergency gallbladder surgery & my father had a hip replaced. (Both are doing well now, thank you, God!) We've had joys--lots of them--those quiet, precious moments that make life rich and "too wonderful for anyone to realize." (Tipping my hat to Thornton Wilder's Our Town a bit.)

I've tried to write a recap, a grand summary of what our world cruise meant to me, how it changed me, blessed me, broadened my scope. But the truth is, it's still doing those things. A day doesn't go by when I don't think about the people we met, the friendships we made, the astonishing sights we saw, the experiences we had. And I ponder about the places we visited and pine over how much I'd love to go back and see them all again.  

Because no matter how much I love my home and family, I'm afflicted with itchy feet. I need to wander. Have since I was a child. Travel excites me, moves me, makes me feel alive! 

Hence the quote at  the top of this post. And lest you think I'm exaggerating, here's a picture of my sad little red loveseat!

I know. Saggy, ripped and scratched...I should be embarrassed. But the truth is, I tend to view all purchases in "cruise dollars." If I went to replace my suffering couch, I'd think to myself, " of us could go on a 7 day someplace for what this costs."

So I'm pleased to announce the couch stays. And we're going to Norway this summer!

This July, the DH and I are booked on a 21 day cruise out of New York City on Cunard's Queen Mary II bound for Southampton, England, a week fiddling in the the fjords, and then back across the Pond! We can't wait!

Cunard is a new-to-us cruise line. It's near the top of the Carnival family of cruising, so we're looking forward to a different, more elegant experience.

If someone with a ripped up couch can claim to enjoy elegance... 

But I mean to try to fit in with the bon ton when we board this 5 Star oceanliner (not a cruise ship. I'll explain the difference in another post...)

And in the meantime, my couch doesn't look so bad with a casually draped throw & pillow and well-placed little dog!

If you'd like updates on our travel planning & adventures be sure to sign up to follow by email on the form in the right hand column. Thanks! And be sure to leave a comment. I love to talk travel!  



  1. I am so excited for you! Norway is beautiful and what could be nicer than the Queen Mary.All the best.

    1. Thanks, Theresa! We've never been to Norway, but I've always longed to see it. And it's always jolly to visit merry old England. So many of the historical novels I wrote as Mia Marlowe are set there. Doing the research for those never seemed like work to me!

  2. I had to laugh at your looking at things in "cruise dollars" because I do the same. Slipcovers hide a multitude of furniture sins. A sailing on the Queen Mary II sounds divine and sophisticated - I picture a classic 1930's film with tuxedos and gowns. You must pack a peignoir for lounging about your cabin!

    1. Oh, my! You mean my old sleep t-shirt just won't do. It matches my couch so well!

  3. I can totally relate! When my dentist said I was going to need a new crown I actually told him, "But I could take a cruise for the same price!" I will be looking forward to following along with your travels this summer. And for the record...I like your red loveseat!!

    1. Don't get me started. The DH's hospital bill came shortly after the first of the year--more than 6 months after the surgery. However, anything that keeps my hero in his present configuration is a steal and deal in my book!

  4. You will love the beautiful Norwegian fjords and the formal and upscale afternoon tea we experienced on the QE2 many years ago! I also equate every expenditure with "cruise dollars". So wonderful that everyone is healthy enough to travel again. the red loveseat! I'm on Ruby Princess 10 days to Mexican Riviera to see the whales..since I'm into cruise withdrawals.

    1. Wave to the whales for me! I hear a number of cruisers have experienced some remarkable sightings this season.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks. It's my way of hanging onto my travel memories--not just where I go and what I see, but how it makes me feel!

  6. Since 2001 every purchase has been weighed against travel dollars ... and the latter always wins. We will also be in Norway for a bit this summer ... on an Oceania voyage that will take us to new places and some we’ve been to before, but are looking forward to visiting again. Glad to see you will be writing about your trip ... I think my days of writing publicly may be behind me ... unless I find a chunk of time to catch up.

    1. That's a shame, Erin. I loved reading your travel blog. You always have something meaningful to bring to every place you visit. And don't get me started on your photography! It's breathtaking.


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