Monday, January 27, 2025

Waitangi--Bay of Islands

 "Haere Mai" ~ "Welcome" in the Maori tongue

January 28, 2025

If we look happy, it's because we are! Today is the first day in a long time that we don't have matching high 90's temperatures and humidity. Here on our initial New Zealand stop, we're expecting a high of only 73 degrees and negligible humidity. Lovely exploring weather!

Bay of Islands, where the Sky dropped her anchor this morning, is dotted with 140 islands, islets, and rocks that have permanently poked their heads above water. In 1769, Captain James Cook charted both the nothern and southern islands of New Zealand and gave Bay of Islands its name. 

We had to ride a tender in to the pier to catch our excursion bus, and in an abundance of caution, we went early. The nearby little town of Paihai runs a shuttle bus to their business district every twenty minuts, so we hopped on and went in search of cough drops. I still have plenty, but it's always good to keep up our stock of consumables. Unfortunately, the girl who helped me look in the pharmacy said she'd never heard of sugar free cough drops, which I need to use. Oh, well... I'll check again in Sydney. 


The DH loves waterfalls, so we were delighted when our first stop was at Rainbow Falls. It is aptly named because on this sunny day, the DH was able to snap a photo of the bow near the base of the falls. To reach the falls, we enjoyed a leisurely walk through a forest that was alive with bird calls and redolent with the sweet breath of flowers and green growing things. I'm sure the DH will include his rainbow shot in the photo montage he's working on. 

Built in 1822, the Stone Store, shown to the left of the white clapboard Mission House, is the oldest structure in New Zealand. The picturesque river rollicking in the foreground is very unique, above the row of rocks that bridge the stream, the water is sweet. Below the rocks, the water is brackish because the river feeds into the sea and tide reaches its salty fingers inland. 

I find New Zealand very similar to our Ozarks as far as topography goes. We too have green rolling hills, are surrounded by deep forest and have sparkling clean spring-fed streams. The difference is the type of flora and fauna. I have yet to recognize tree species and many of the flowers in New Zealand.

Our last stop was at Kawakawa, an unabashedly touristy town whose claim to fame is this public toilet designed by Austrian artist, Friedensreich Hundertwasser. He avoids straight lines at all cost which leads to undulating walls and floors. I defy anyone to locate a 90 degree angle in the place. 

Not sure what I think about it. I wish Kawakawa would invest in a custodian to keep the place cleaner. But if you've ever wanted to relieve yourself in the middle of a modern art installation, this is your chance! 

More soon...


  1. I loved New Zealand when my sister and I visited last year.

    1. We do too. ,This is our second time visiting the northern island. I wish we were going to cruise down to Doubtful Sound on the southern island, but there is beauty aplenty here for us to enjoy.

    2. Ahhhhh.... The chance to use a piece of modern art as a toilet! :) Glad to hear you are now in cooler weather. To me it really makes a difference in how much I will enjoy the day.


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