Saturday, July 6, 2019

The Hair I Wear

My mom will be horrified when she sees this post.

She's of the opinion that when a woman wears a wig, no one should be the wiser. If she paid for it, it's "her" hair. However, when someone tells me I got a good haircut, I feel obliged to 'fess up and admit I'm wearing someone else's good haircut. (Actually, my wigs are synthetic, but the comment always gets a laugh!)

And maybe that's why I do it. I'd rather laugh about the solution to my thinning hair than cry about it.

Elle by Jon Renau
Several of the meds I take to keep my lung condition stable cause hair loss as a side effect. (Just once, wouldn't it be nice if a prescription could result in effortless weight loss and thicker hair--on top of my head only, please! But I digress.) Anyway, I've reached the conclusion that if I can do something to change things that are making me feel sad about myself, I should do it.

I quickly realized there's no magic shampoo, no supplement that will make my hair luxuriously thick. If there was, there would be no bald billionaires. So I started experimenting with wigs and hairpieces. 

Joelle by Tony of Beverly
I've stayed close to the color of my bio-hair, which I like to call "Fifty Shades of Grey," just in case a stray strand or two slips out. But I've tried to vary the styles. The sleek "Elle" is good for daily wear. Longer, curlier "Joelle" will be my go-to hair for formal nights on the Queen Mary 2.

But what if it's just too hot to wear one of my long wigs? Not to worry. I have  couple "equator hair" options. (Incidentally, "equator hair" also works great for the heat and humidity of the Ozarks!)

"Tribble" Hair
One is a simple little scrunchie disguised as a hair piece. My bio-hair is quite long (read as long as the lovely Joelle, but of the same general consistency as cotton candy.) I can pile it up on top of my head, slip the scrunchie over my topknot and travel happily without fretting that the back of my airplane seat is frizzing up a wig. (And yes, I know. It looks like a Tribble, doesn't it? Trust me when I tell you it looks better on my head.)

Lastly, I'll be packing the curly, clip-on my sister Linda sent me. I featured it in Puttin' on the Ritz. It, too, will be good for warmish evenings.

All my wigs have to travel in a climate-controlled environment, which means they'll be in my carry-on. First, I'll bundle each one into its own hairnet. Then into a "breathable" zippered lingerie bag for each. And finally, they'll be nestled into an over-the-shoulder bag that will count as my personal item when we  fly.

The reason I share this solution to a rather personal problem is I figure I can't be the only one who has been unhappy with changes life throws at us. There are some things I simply have to accept with as much grace as I can muster. There are some things I can fight.

Consider the hair I wear as my personal rebellion. But I wish, when someone compliments my do, I could simply say, "Thank you."

What do you think? Tell or don't tell?

PS. In case anyone is considering looking for hair to wear, I bought mine from

PPS. Remember, if you'd like to be sure not to miss a moment of our upcoming adventure in Norway, please sign up to follow RoundTheWorldWriter by email using the sign up widget in the right hand column!


  1. Thank you for sharing, as indeed I found your post very interesting (and surely other readers did as well). As far as whether or not to accept compliments on your hair, I would lean towards accepting of course! A lady gets complimented on her nails, which may be acrylic. A lady gets complimented on her bosom, which may include implants. A lady gets complimented of her eyes, which may have eyelash extensions, permanent eyeliner, and contacts. A lady gets complimented on her hair, which may have extensions (like 99% of ladies you see on the silver screen or TV) or include a wig. Does a lady need the body part being complimented to be made up of entirely her own biological cells in order to accept? Or is it that people take notice that a lady looks especially lovely regardless of how she has “put herself together”, and show their admiration, which the lady can accept. I think it is the latter. :)


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