Friday, March 3, 2023

Cabin 3021

Itinerary update: We have lost the stop at Alesund due to turbulent seas. Better safe than sorry and in our case, we don't feel the loss too profoundly because we were blessed to visit Alesund in 2019 on the Queen Mary 2! 

"You can have more than one home. You can carry your roots with you, and decide where they grow." ~Henning Mankell

We've been a pair of vagabonds since the day we married. The DH and I have lived in 9 different states, all four contiguous US time zones. I used to say our frequent moves were just extended vacations on which we happened to drag along all our stuff. As long as we are together, there is home. 

So it's no trouble for us to be happy setting up housekeeping on a cruise ship for long periods...or short as in the case of this trip. And Viking makes it easy to settle in to our cabin. 

Here's a little video tour of our V2 stateroom on the Viking Venus. Let apologize in advance for my heavy breathing. I sound like an old plow horse because I'm "winging it," i.e. walking around while talking without the help of my oxygen concentrator. Sorry about that.

One thing I neglected to show was the other side of the closet where it's a nice long space for hanging dresses and pants. There's plenty of storage. Though to be honest, the location of the closet is the one design flaw I see in the Viking balcony cabins. I much prefer to have wardrobes located across from the bathroom instead of jammed up against my side of the bed! 

Do you have a favorite cruise cabin? Or any other vacation place you like to call home sometimes?


  1. Thanks for the cabin tour! I especially like the two chairs inside the cabin.

    1. Yes! Either two chairs or a little sofa. I think the standard balconies on a lot of Princess ships now only have one chair.

  2. This is very spacious!!! I’m surprised. Love hearing your beautiful voice! I sure do miss you.

  3. Trying this again. I am surprised at the spaciousness of your room. I love hearing your voice!! Miss you!

    1. Miss you too, Kathy! Especially now when we just learned of the passing of both James C &
      TJ. So sad. Please take care of yourself, dear friend.


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