Friday, January 21, 2022

Day 11 & 12 ~ No Land in Sight

"She could smell the sea in the air..." ~ Diana Peterfreund

 According to our stateroom TV, the Star is following the coastline of central America, just off Guatemala as I type this. We have one more sea day after today before we reach Costa Rica on Sunday. Since I'm not sure how interested you are in all my small doings, I've decided to condense a couple of days together. 

We start our day pretty early, waking at 6 or 6:30. We often order room service coffee and a few light bites to tide us over until we meet Dave and Kristy for Second Breakfast sometime after 8:30 or so. If I'm a lark, Kristy is a night owl. Mornings are not her thing, but who can say no to breakfast on the fantail with the sharp, fresh scent of the ocean wafting over us?

Then we usually go our separate ways to follow what interests us. I've been indulging in lots of reading and have finished the 8th and nearly finished the 9th book in The Expanse series, a science fiction tour de force! Kristy recommended a book based on the life of the biblical Joseph's Egyptian wife. Since we hope to have 4 stops in Egypt on this cruise, it sounds perfect for my next read.

The DH and I usually hit a lecture in the Star Theater. Wing Commander Simpson gave an excellent one on Vikings today. I didn't encounter anything new, but his points all squared with my own research from when I was writing my Songs of the North series.  

I've also got Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology downloaded on my phone so if I can't find the book about Asenath, that may be next for me.

We've been pretty faithful about attending the painting classes, though I can't claim that our skill level is increasing very much. Today we experimented with pallet knives and laying on a lot of pigment so it stands out from the paper and creates a sort of texture. This sorry result will take forever to dry. 

I know, I know. Don't quit my day job. What a minute! I don't have a day job! I guess I can waste paint if I want to.

I am feeling awfully self-indulgent on the Star. Everything is provided for us so seamlessly. Because the ship is only about half full, we've never had to wait at any of the restaurants. There's really not much need to make a reservation. We can usually book time in the thermal suite, even though they are limiting that space to six guests at a time. There's always room. And we're feeling very safe here in our Viking bubble, traveling with all vaccinated and boosted passengers and crew. I'm already pretty tired of wearing masks all the time, but if it keeps us all safe I'm willing to do it. 

My thoughts travel home every day, where our #1 Daughter is down with a bad cold. Thankfully, she tested negative for Covid today, but our pastor was not so lucky. Neither is our Sunday School teacher who is also my doctor. I hate hearing how the virus is ravaging our town while we're so insulated and safe. 

So while I'm loving the lazy sea days on this beautiful ship, I'm thinking of my family and friends, praying for your safety and well-being. Be safe out there! 



  1. Love hearing about the details of your sea days and how time is spent. Would love to do a world cruise in the future and your writing paints a real picture (excuse the pun) of what life is like on board.

    1. The thing is...everyone's experience is different because the things they choose to do are different. Some people love playing bridge every day. Others like trivia or playing Baggo guests against the officers. Others become fully engrossed in the many jigsaw puzzles in various states of completion on tables around the Atrium. The trick I've found is not to over-schedule ourselves. There's no upside to running frantically from one activity to another. We cherry-pick how we spend our precious hours. And sometimes, sitting on the verandah watching a seabird dive after the flying fish is exactly what we should be doing at that exact moment.

  2. Oh, That Fantail dining place is actually outside? That looks delightful! Also, The expanse! I'm excitedly following the final season of the TV series, which is also amazing (and my partner tells me it's diverging from the books, which makes it even more impressive). I hope your daughter gets well soon, along with the rest of your town (hopefully the vaccination rate is high there)!


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